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Houses For Sale in Purdysburn, UK

2 properties

House for sale

House for sale

£ 575000

Geolocation iconPurdysburn, Northern Ireland

Bed icon11 rooms
Area icon1,111 sqft
This magnificent property borders the rivière aux Saumon watershed. It spans 22,746 square feet and is serviced by municipal sewer and water. It features 3...
House for sale

House for sale

£ 1488926

Geolocation iconPurdysburn, Northern Ireland

Bed icon11 rooms
Area icon5,682,688 sqft
Superbe ferme de 130 acres dans un panorama des plus bucoliques en Estrie. Maison spacieuse 2009, aménagée sur 3 étages, 3 cac, 2 s. bains...