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3 bedroom houses For Rent in Newtown, UK

1 properties

House For Rent in Newtown, Wales

House For Rent in Newtown, Wales

£ 120

Geolocation iconNewtown, Wales

Bed icon3 rooms
3bedroom house No dining room No downstairs toilet
Unfortunately, those are all the results we found for the keyword "3 bedroom houses For Rent in Newtown".Explore similar properties below:
House For Rent in Newtown, Wales

House For Rent in Newtown, Wales

Geolocation iconBear Lane, Newtown, Wales

Area icon 103,073 Sq Ft
To Let (May Sell) - 103,073 sq ft on 5.83 acresHigh bay warehouse facility on a self-contained fully secure site.The property comprises a single...
House For Rent in Newtown, Wales

House For Rent in Newtown, Wales

Geolocation iconBear Lane, Newtown, Wales

Area icon 103,073 Sq Ft
To Let (May Sell) - 103,073 sq ft on 5.83 acresHigh bay warehouse facility on a self-contained fully secure site.The property comprises a single...
Office For Rent in Newtown, Wales

Office For Rent in Newtown, Wales

£ 10000

Geolocation iconNew Road, Newtown, Wales

Area icon 1,872 Sq Ft
Key PointsProminent detached first floor office accommodation fronting onto New Road in the centre of Newtown which would lend themselves to a variety of usesTotal...
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